Following the worst date ever I immediately went home and went to bed...I was feeling sick remember? The following day I was still not feeling well but managed to make it through the day at work. I was so looking forward to coming home, relaxing and watching mindless television until I passed out. The last thing on my mind was the winner that I went out with the night fact, I had planned to forget all about him as soon as humanly possible. Well...then he texted me. Yeah, you heard that right! He obviously couldn't take a hint, was bad at reading body language and chose to ignore the fact that I had not contacted him at all since our lovely evening. Let me recap our text conversation that followed (I saved the texts just for this purpose!)
Him: So not even a thxs for the drink? K well good luck out there!
Me: I said thank you last night. But, wow, thanks. I have the flu remember.
Him: Well I haven't even gotten a text message from u what was I supposed to think?
Me: Maybe think that it's been 1 day! I'm sick and still had to work today. Texting you wasn't exactly at the top of my priority list.
Him: I was like aight no text dang I got dissed
Him: Okay well texting me back to say you had a good time shouldn't have been that difficult to do right?
Him: I hope ya feel better sorry if i'm coming off like a dick but I just thought u weren't feeling me so I wanted to say good luck to ya that's all...
Me: Thanks. You are coming off like a dick and I am not feeling you. I've been sick and in bed all day.
Him: How bout some make up sex j/k of course...look get better and I apologize for being all dickish let me make it up to ya when u get better...dinner on me?
Me: I'm not interested but thanks.
Him: So lame
Him: Can't believe what a drama queen u are thxs for saving me the trouble of finding out later!
Him: Btw next time a dude sends u a text after a date u might just wanna respond with a thxs me too...not that hard right?!
Me: I don't need dating advice but thanks. I will respond that way when it's true. Good luck.
Him: Take care and good luck!
*Then he called me 3 times! All of which I promptly ignored*
Him: I hate to make enemies just called to smooth things over
Luckily that was the last I heard from him. A few things I want to point out here...1) After 1 date no one owes anyone can not call and it shouldn't be a big deal (this is not okay after more than 2 dates though). If anyone makes a big deal of this it's usually the girl. No need to text someone angrily because they didn't feel how you did after one brief meeting. 2) Make up sex? Really?! In what universe is that funny at all? 3) I love that I apparently was the one being a "drama queen" and 4) There's a diagnosis for people like this...he's not just an alcoholic, he has other mental health issues as well. Clearly he's going to make some lucky girl very un-happy one day!
Now, I've had guys pull a disappearing act before or have had the mature conversation that it just wasn't going to work out...but never until that night have I had a guy yell at me because I wasn't interested in him. Is this a new phenomenon? Are guys so used to girls being desperate for any human touch that they don't know how to handle rejection anymore?
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